Sunday, September 29, 2013

29 September - World Heart Day

In partnership with World Health Organization (WHO), the World Heart Federation organizes awareness events in more than 100 countries on the occasion of World Heart Day.

About the Day

Cardiovascular diseases are the world’s largest killers, claiming 17.5 million lives a year. Risk factors for heart disease and stroke include raised blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, smoking, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, overweight, obesity and physical inactivity.
In partnership with World Health Organization (WHO), the World Heart Federation organizes awareness events in more than 100 countries - including health checks, organized walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments.


Related Web Pages

What can I do to avoid a heart attack or a stroke?

Eat a healthy diet: 

A balanced diet is crucial to a healthy heart and circulation system. This should include plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish and pulses, and restricted salt, sugar and fat intake.

Take regular physical activity:

 At least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day helps to maintain cardiovascular fitness; at least 60 minutes on most days helps to maintain healthy weight.

Avoid tobacco use: 

Tobacco in every form is very harmful to health - cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or chewable tobacco. Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke is also dangerous. The risk of heart attack and stroke starts to drop immediately after a person stops using tobacco products, and can drop by as much as half after one year.


world Heart Day 2013




World Heart Day 2011


Source for the picture


World Heart Day 2009


Working Towards Wellness

As part of its commitment to the World Economic Forum initiative “Working Towards Wellness”, World Heart Day 2009 has been dedicated to this theme.



World Heart Day 2009 Material
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